วันพุธที่ 14 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2559

What to Do With Petechial Rash and Fever

petechial rashes
Petechial rashes may be accompanied by fever in the case of viral or bacterial infections. When bacteria or a virus invades the body,
an inflammatory response is started to fight the invader. The body tends to release chemicals to control bleeding and infection which results in the development of several symptoms:

Moderate to high grade fever which is the body’s response to infection.

The development of petechial rashes and later on purpura which are rashes greater than 2mm in diameter.

Abnormal blood findings; blood works show a decreased platelet count and an increased white blood cells in response to infection.

In severe cases, there is bleeding from the nose, gums and bloody stools. Women may experience heavy menstruation. Wounds do not heal well an overall feeling or weakness or tiredness happens as the body tries to fight an infection.

What to do with fever and petechiae?

As with any case of petechial rashes and fever, the cause of petechiae must be determined. Only upon treating the cause will rashes disappear and fever be controlled. Here are some ways to deal with these symptoms:

Medications used to treat fever will help but choose paracetamol since aspirin will only thin blood and make your condition worse.

A cold compress will help reduce fever and may also help prevent the spread of petechial rashes on the different areas of the body. A cold towel may be placed over the forehead or the nape of the neck to control fever and another cold towel may be placed over the rash to help reduce bleeding and rupture of capillaries.

Applying ice on the forehead will also help as well as placing ice on the affected area. You may use an ice pack instead.

Drinking more fluids especially water may help take care of high fever; this will also help nourish the skin from the inside which will also be effective in reducing body temperature to treat petechial rashes.

Avoid straining and lifting objects since these will only make your petechial rashes worse. Take a rest to allow your body to recuperate; rest will also help the body repair tissues and fight infection.

High fevers may also be reduced by wearing loose clothing; this will allow heat to dissipate from the body. Wearing loose clothing will also help you asses your rashes very well. Avoiding constriction are also perfect in reducing petechiae.

Consult your doctor if your petechial rashes and fever last for more than three days. You should also watch out for these signs and symptoms:

Very high fever accompanied by worsening petechiae.

Vomiting and nausea

Altered state of consciousness, weakness and restlessness.

Aside from regular consultation to determine the effectiveness of treatments given, you must also be available for frequent platelet monitoring especially when you are receiving treatments and taking medications for clotting blood. Always report any symptom or side effect of treatment as soon as possible. Never overlook symptoms since fever and petechiae may be a sign of something worse.

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