วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Petechial Rash Treatments

petechial rashes

Petechiae are small, pinpoint rashes that appear on the skin after fine blood vessels found underneath the skin rupture and bleed. In most cases, petechiae are simply a minor condition and will easily disappear even without any treatment.
But in severe cases wherein petechial rashes are caused by blood clotting conditions, viral infections, vitamin deficiencies and medications, learning about the underlying cause of petechiae will help find the most suitable treatment. Here are some popular treatments for petechial rashes starting from minor rashes to complicated conditions:

Cold compresses

Placing cold compress on the affected area will help prevent the spread of petechiae and will also help make any itching subside. Cold naturally constricts blood vessels and will control bleeding even as minute as blood vessels under the skin.

Apply a cold compress in the form of a cold towel or an ice pack. Place on the area for about 15 to 20 minutes. Another way to apply cold over an area with petechiae is under a cold faucet. Allow the cold flow of water to run over the skin and keep this for about 15 minutes. You should use cold compress techniques in a span of 24 hours to completely remove petechiae.

Allergy medications

A person may develop petechiae over a part of the body or all over the body when he is suffering from an allergic reaction. Allergies due to food, medication and chemicals could become worse and may even lead to death if medical treatment is not provided. Petechiae and other allergic reactions like swelling of the face, lips, eyes and cheeks, sneezing, coughing, itching and irritation of the throat may be treated by allergy medications. These medications should be administered right away and consult to a doctor must be done as soon as possible.

Viral infection treatments

Most petechial rashes are due to viral infections and the only way to get rid of these is to take care of viral infections as soon as possible. Your doctor may use diagnostic exams like blood works to determine the exact cause of your infection; after this he will prescribe the most suitable medication for your illness.

Building up your resistance will help the body fight infections. With the right diet, taking supplements and avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol will allow you to improve your health and fitness and dramatically improve your immune system as well.

Taking vitamin supplements

Petechial rashes may also be due to vitamin deficiencies. Lack of vitamin B12, vitamin C and folic acid could lead to the development of petechiae. Aside from taking multivitamin pills, you may eat the right kind of foods that will supply you with these vitamins.

Citrus fruits and vegetables are great sources of vitamin C. Shellfish, animal liver, fish, beef, cheese and eggs are perfect sources of vitamin B12. Dark leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, broccoli, avocado, beans and lentils are just some of the best sources of folic acid. But if your diet is really deficient of these vitamins, it could be best to take a multivitamin pill instead.

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