วันศุกร์ที่ 16 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Petechial Rash in Meningitis

Meningitis is caused by a virus or bacteria.
There are several types of meningitis. This disease can strike within hours and can affect children, adults and even old people. It is important to determine the symptoms of meningitis especially petechial rash in meningitis to be able to seek medical treatment at once.

Meningitis symptoms

There are several symptoms of meningitis, not all symptoms are usually present in a person while these symptoms may appear in any order. The most common symptoms are headaches which may be present on any part of the head and radiates to the eyes, the face and on the neck, unusual sensitivity to bright light and a stiff neck. There are swollen and painful lymph nodes that may be found all over the neck area which is a sign that there is an infection.

In meningococcal septicaemia, which is a type of meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis, small blood vessels rupture and bleed which leads to petechial rashes. The rash looks like pin point spots which may be present in one area of the skin or may become generalized. The rash may develop into large purple bruises as the disease progresses. This type of meningitis has symptoms which are different from regular meningitis; aside from petechial rashes, there is also aching of the legs, cold and clammy hands and feet. There is also fever present, diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty in breathing, confusion and drowsiness.

In babies or very young children, you need to look for pale skin, blotchy skin, irritability especially when being held, the child would not feed or nurse and a very tense or bulging fontanels. For these symptoms, seek emergency medical help at once.

The rash

As the infection worsens, the capillaries may become severely damaged. The result is the development of larger petechiae and will often develop into larger spots with an irregular outline. In worst conditions, rashes may become blisters and may also ulcerate.

The appearance of rash could happen at any time and generally, rashes appear almost suddenly. Rashes may appear on the torso and on the lower extremities. In some situations, there are no rashes or symptoms that may help in the assessment of the disease. It is therefore important not to overlook any symptoms of meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia.

Testing for petechial rashes at home

The tumbler test is one of the most common tests for petechial rashes. It will determine if the rash that suddenly appears on your skin is an ordinary rash or it may be a sign of meningitis. You will need a clear glass tumbler for this test. Place the tumbler over the skin where there is a suspected petechial rash due to meningitis and note if the rash disappears. If rashes do not fade while the glass is over the area, then this is a positive sign for meningitis.

Consult your doctor at once for a positive tumbler test; this will help you get suitable medical treatment to help save your life.

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